Oooh, something shiny!

Here I sit, typing this blog entry from my living room. 

*record screeching*

Yep.  My living room. 

I have joined the 21st century and now own my very own laptop.

Up until this point, I used to have to brave the elements (clutter, excessive heat, dust) in our fabulous “spare” room where our “family” computer resides.  It’s still there, I’m just not.  ha! 


Fresh air!

Human contact!

A fully stocked kitchen just steps away!

Actually, that I could probably do without.  Meh.

All I can say is that my husband is the coolest, since he is the one who bestowed the awesomeness that is this shaaaany, new laptop upon me.

He even paid attention to every feature I had admired about the ones in the store, and wrapped them all up in that photographic head of his to find the perfect one to present to me as a late birthday gift.


Last year, he surprised me with a late birthday present  in the form of my iPod.  Not just any iPod, but a super de duper, tricked out video, bazilliongig iPod.

If my husband is anything, he’s a techie.  A generous techie.

The only thing that is bad about having an uber generous, tech-savvy hubby is the fact that I always come up short on HIS birthday.  Any suggestions?

You’ve got until April.

Kthxbai.  🙂

Published in: on September 26, 2008 at 3:32 pm  Comments (4)  

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4 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. The laptop will change your life! I would NEVER get to to anything on the computer if it didn’t move around with me.
    And…I’ll put my thinking cap on for the April birthday. 🙂

  2. How cool! Doncha just love having a laptop??? I am sitting typing on mine right now, my early 4-0 birthday present from my Mom. : ) I have the same problem with Bill though. He always gets me these really cool techie type gifts, like an Ipod similar to yours. And all I can come up with is another shirt from Eddie Bauer or Old Navy. *sigh* I have until April too, so let’s put our heads together and maybe we can come up with something really cool for both of our men! : )

  3. Kudos, D!

  4. […] Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy Though I can’t really put my finger on it – High Pressure in the atmosphere?  Crisp, Autumn air and changing leaves?  Full nights’ sleep?  Kick butt job interview?  Shiny, new laptop? […]

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